Happy Holidays!

November 24, 2009

As November winds down and December bombards us with ridiculous sales I am left wondering, “What am I gonna do next?” Well I wanted to fill everyone in on a few important details of my life.

First of all, after tomorrow night I will no longer be working at any restaurant! Ever again! (at least thats the plan) I am gonna be working extra shifts at the credit union to make up for that.

Thing 2, I have moved! Long story short is that I had a need and it got fulfilled by the grace of God!

Thing 3, the plan right now is to start taking classes at StLCC in January. However, I still need to pay for school and so far I have gotten zero help from financial aid and scholarships and I am waiting to hear back from the college if I even have a chance to get student loans. So if I cant get any money I may not be able to go to school. 😦 But we will worry about that if that happens.

Thing 4, I am incredibly greatful of the things I have been given and the way that God has provided for me and I trust Him and will continue to trust in Him.

Last thing, it is no new story that many of us are in financial hardship right now. I am planning on doing my part this Christmas season by volunteering at my church and participating in Advent Conspiracy. If you dont know what that is about just check out this http://www.adventconspiracy.org

God IS All I Need. That is my prayer and exclamation for this season of life where we all seem to focus on things that we “need”. Just put God at the top of your Christmas list and He will give you what you truely need, Grace.