Clean up aisle 3

May 25, 2010

Salvation is not earned, its free, just sitting on the shelf, we just have to ask for it.

Its already paid for, Jesus took care of that. So what do we owe in return? Nothing. God just desires a relationship with us, the way it was meant to be.

So why is it so hard to handle that truth? I think its because we live in a world were there is always a catch, something in the fine print that will probably suck. So we weight the pros and cons and decide if it is worth the risk.

God has offered us a gift with no strings attached and no fine print. Hard to believe? Join the club. No one has it figured out and no one will. So what do we do? LOVE. Unconditionally.

In Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller he says that we are guilty of using our Love as currency, and we dish it out to the people we want and keep it from the people who we think are not worth it. That’s not how God meant it to be. If someone is hurting you, love them. If someone is annoying you, love them. If someone is against you in any way, Love them!

Jesus lead by example to the extreme, loving sinners and saints alike and not being greedy with his love. God loves so much that He gave His one and only Son to DIE for US (the broken greedy loveless sinners).

So what are you waiting for? Love!