I <3 Fall

September 18, 2009

I just wanted to express that I absolutely LOVE the Fall season, and here are some reasons why! (in no particular order)

1. Sweatshirts/ hoodies!
2. Warm Apple Cider!
3. Thanksgiving!
4. Leaves changing color and falling off!
5. The smell of those leaves burning!
7. Chili cook-offs!
8. Dressing up for Halloween! Megan and I are gonna have a great costume this year!
9. Pumpkin Pie! Yumm!
10. The new NBC lineup! aka The Office, Heroes, 30 Rock.

The Fall season alway makes me miss High School, but only a little bit. High School was just ok for me, nothing special.

So that’s it! I was just thinking about sleeping with like 5 blankets and I wanted to let everyone know that I ❤ Fall!

I Need Jesus

September 4, 2009

I was reading a book that my brother gave me a long time ago called “Letters to My Daughters” by Paul Friesen and I read something he said and it blew my mindgrapes!

“We don’t follow Jesus so our lives will be better, we follow Him because He is Lord.”

I truely spend too much of my time trying to make my life better when I should be focusing on loving and following Jesus. Because what difference does it make if you have the nicest stuff or the biggest house if you don’t have Jesus?

My prayer today is to be content in my world but to continue endlessly praising and chasing my Saviour!