I <3 Fall

September 18, 2009

I just wanted to express that I absolutely LOVE the Fall season, and here are some reasons why! (in no particular order)

1. Sweatshirts/ hoodies!
2. Warm Apple Cider!
3. Thanksgiving!
4. Leaves changing color and falling off!
5. The smell of those leaves burning!
7. Chili cook-offs!
8. Dressing up for Halloween! Megan and I are gonna have a great costume this year!
9. Pumpkin Pie! Yumm!
10. The new NBC lineup! aka The Office, Heroes, 30 Rock.

The Fall season alway makes me miss High School, but only a little bit. High School was just ok for me, nothing special.

So that’s it! I was just thinking about sleeping with like 5 blankets and I wanted to let everyone know that I ❤ Fall!

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