Clean up aisle 3

May 25, 2010

Salvation is not earned, its free, just sitting on the shelf, we just have to ask for it.

Its already paid for, Jesus took care of that. So what do we owe in return? Nothing. God just desires a relationship with us, the way it was meant to be.

So why is it so hard to handle that truth? I think its because we live in a world were there is always a catch, something in the fine print that will probably suck. So we weight the pros and cons and decide if it is worth the risk.

God has offered us a gift with no strings attached and no fine print. Hard to believe? Join the club. No one has it figured out and no one will. So what do we do? LOVE. Unconditionally.

In Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller he says that we are guilty of using our Love as currency, and we dish it out to the people we want and keep it from the people who we think are not worth it. That’s not how God meant it to be. If someone is hurting you, love them. If someone is annoying you, love them. If someone is against you in any way, Love them!

Jesus lead by example to the extreme, loving sinners and saints alike and not being greedy with his love. God loves so much that He gave His one and only Son to DIE for US (the broken greedy loveless sinners).

So what are you waiting for? Love!

I Need Jesus

September 4, 2009

I was reading a book that my brother gave me a long time ago called “Letters to My Daughters” by Paul Friesen and I read something he said and it blew my mindgrapes!

“We don’t follow Jesus so our lives will be better, we follow Him because He is Lord.”

I truely spend too much of my time trying to make my life better when I should be focusing on loving and following Jesus. Because what difference does it make if you have the nicest stuff or the biggest house if you don’t have Jesus?

My prayer today is to be content in my world but to continue endlessly praising and chasing my Saviour!

I need God.

June 19, 2009

I have been focusing too much on waiting for God to deliver some sort of “Get Out Of Jail Free” card and the fact is, it’s probably not gonna happen.  Through many MANY conversations I have come to the conclusion that I just need to spend more time with God and not “expect” anything from Him, which we are all guilty of doing from time to time.


“Dear God,  I am sorry for neglecting you.  I talk about you all the time but we never spend time together unless I “need” something.  I love you and I want to spend more time with you.”


That is my story, what is yours?

God Is Love

June 4, 2009

It takes a lot to comprehend that God’s love is neverending!  As his children it is our responsibility to “extend” his love to others around us.


In my personal life, I have done my best to not make enemies with anyone and love everyone.  However, I am sure we all can relate to the fact that no body is perfect and we have “all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God”.  What am I talking about?       “Bad People”.        This has been on my mind for a while now.

For example, it is easy to hate someone who you think or even KNOW  has done something evil!  There is one individual that I ( through many testimonies ) have come to find is almost directly responsible for a friend’s death.  That being said, here I am at Windsor playing my guitar up front at one of the weekend services and I am looking out at the people and this man who I am pretty sure is at fault for the death of my friend is sitting in the 4th row… now what do i do!?!?

What would you do?   Would you stop playing and jump out into the crowd and start throwing fists?  Would you tell everyone, “This man is a worthless piece of you-know-what!” ?  Would you wish bad things upon him and just keep on living with this rage in your heart? 

I did what I thought Jesus would do.  I forgave him.  Maybe not to his face but I decided right then and there that I don’t need to “like” him but I know that I need to “Love” him because that is what God has called not only me, but All of us to do!

So remember that Everyone is a child of God and just because you might think one thing, you need to Know something different. God Is Love.