CHOO-CHOO!! Here comes the Night Train!

July 10, 2009
LOOK OUT!!!  Here is an amp that will blow your mind grapes!

Introducing the Vox Night Train

Ok so I played through this amp at the store and BOOYA! It is awesome!  It has the great Vox clean tone! Then turn up the gain and flip to “Thick” mode and rock the pants off your grandma! I played through a strat with single coils and one with humbuckers and both were equally pleasing.

I usually look for an amp with an effects loop since i like to use some analog/digital delay effects, however, this amp takes to pedals very well if your are in the “Bright” mode.  Once you switch over to “Thick” mode for some real crunch, the delay effects are crap. But thats how it is any time you put a delay before overdrive/distortion.

While I was there I A/B’d it to an Egnater Rebel 20. Both were plugged into a Mesa 4×12 and the Vox BLEW the Egnater away!  I could not find a good sound out of the Egnater and I couldn’t find a “bad” sound out of the Vox! Havent A/B’d it to the Tiny Terror yet but I have played on a Terror before and I can find a better clean tone on the Night Train and I enjoy the amount of gain on both.

Wish there were a foot switch to change between Bright and Thick modes, but I’m sure that will come if its not already out there.

Overall: 10 out of 10 by my standards!  Great Sound at a Greater Price! Run this baby through a nice cab and you can forget about expensive combos… at least for a little while ;).

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